Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's May Already???

I am so amazed at how quickly time flies! I always think I have all this time to get the things done I want to do...but by the time I have finished what I need to do... the day, or week, or month are gone!! I often wonder how things get so hectic.

I sometimes wish I knew how to slow the clock down a little...my children are growing up so fast! I don't want to miss a minute of what they are doing, learning, experiencing, or of watching how God is growing them and maturing them! I have so much fun with each of them... they are all so wonderfully unique and I know God has amazing plans for them. I feel so blessed that God has let me be an important part in this stage of His plan for each of them.

May is here and going fast..I know that I needed a reminder to cherish every minute! I don't want to get caught up in the stress and chaos and miss the beauty of another school year ending and another chapter in all our lives closing! I am going to take time to draw on the sidewalks with chalk, get a milkshake with my teens, and read funny stories to my little boy, and go on quiet walks with my husband! I hope you will too! We can't slow time down...but we can sure spend more of it playing and laughing!

Loving God, loving life!
Vicki :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Love Spring !!

I love this time of year when everything feels fresh and new. I can't believe how long it has been since I typed on this blog!!!

I just wanted to get on today and remind anyone who might read this that God is sooo good! I am reminded so much this time of year of the hope He gives! When you think of the ugly bulb you put in the ground that sprouts into the most beautiful, delicate flower it has to take your breath away that God is doing that in us also!!! He takes the ugly away and leaves the good and beautiful part there! I know that so many of the things he is doing in my life that seem so hard are to prepare and grow me!!

I thought we could all use a reminder!

God Bless!

Vicki :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Emergency Room AGAIN?????

Wow I tell you it is not boring in my neck of the woods!! Of my four children three of them have been in the emergency room in the last two weeks!! My daughters had the same ER nurse! He suggested they just keep a special room ready for us at all times....sort of like frequent flyer perks! I didn't find the whole thing quite as funny as he did....bizarre yes funny not so much! Thankfully they are all mending, we go back to the doctor with the first two tomorrow to see how they are healing. I am so glad God made our bodies to heal quickly when we're young!

My Mom and Dad are coming to visit us on Friday...they haven't been to this house before so it will be fun for them to see where we live. They are coming to watch our kids play their sports....hopefully the kids will both be well enough to be able to play a little to show off for grandma and grandpa. They have been so looking forward to them coming to watch them play! I am praying they feel great you know by tomorrow!

It is late so I am heading to bed...hopefully a safe day tomorrow for the whole family!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Calgon Take Me Away......

Have you ever noticed that only works on TV? I have tried it several times and haven't ended up in a huge bathtub surrounded by flowers and relaxing music yet??? I think someone should talk to them about false advertising!!!

I always think I am going to wait until I have time to blog so that I can really give some thought and depth to my posts........however.... what happens is I just never get on here, so here goes thoughtless and shallow again!

We had the most amazing day in our family two Sundays ago!! All three of my younger children got baptized. It was such a special time I will cherish the memory in my heart forever! It is so moving to witness three people you love so much promise to follow Christ all of their days!! I know that it can be a difficult journey but I am so glad they are planning to follow Him!

Last weekend I felt like a nurse because my oldest son and my youngest daughter both broke bones and are in casts!!!!!!!!!!(school is a dangerous place LOL!) Why does satan have to be like that?? He is such a jerk trying to rob our joy...but he is failing! The kids are tough and we are laughing through the healing phase!! Praise God!

We have some busy weeks ahead with H S sports so please pray with me no more injuries!! Make sure you hug those loved ones an extra time this week...we can all use an extra hug!

Keep Smiling :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Don't forget to take a minute.....

We had sooooooo much fun in Kansas! It was so good to see everybody! I am always amazed at the fact it can be so long in between visits with people but everything just picks up right where it left off! I love that about home!!

I think sometimes we can get so caught up in the day to day frenzy.....working, laundry, cooking, cleaning, taxi service, etc.....that we forget to stop and just enjoy the simple little things in life. The simple things like: a freshly bathed little boy in his jammies just snuggling for a bit, or a little girl laying on the floor showering her kitten with love, or a teenage girl who can't stop laughing long enough to tell you what she is laughing about, or a teenage boy who grins over a BIG bowl of ice cream, or a loving husband who works all day and still chooses to grill "because it makes less mess for me in the kitchen"! They seem like little things in a hectic day, but really we need to slow down and freeze these pictures in our minds and hearts. All too soon the pictures change and grow.....don't let them go by without noticing.

It won't be that long before my oldest children will be coming home just for quick visits like ours back to Ks, so I plan to enjoy every minute of it....ok almost every minute! So if you're struggling with too much to do.....just remember to stop and take some happy minutes today to rejoice in your God given blessings! That laundry can wait!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am so excited!

I am so excited to go home to Kansas this weekend. It doesn't seem to matter how old I get or how long we've lived away, I love to go home! Now please don't misunderstand me the drive feels like an eternity! (I hate that part)

We pull into our old and dear hometown and I just get excited...wondering who I will run into at wal-mart or Dillons. (oops I typed Kroger first, wow we have been gone a long time!) I know that my mother in law will have everyone over at least once for an awesome dinner like only she can make. And that she will feed us literally until we can't eat anymore the whole time we are there! We'll all play a very vicious game of killer uno...which I will lose horrifically!

Then it's out to the country to visit my mom and dad which is really fun in the summer. We get to eat all dads awesome produce from his garden and sometimes if we time it right we can play with his lab puppies he sells. Mom and I will sit in their living room and catch up on everything! Dad will finally give in and make me tapioca pudding and all will be right with the world!

It's hard living so far away from family. I feel like we miss out on so much being away, but that just makes me cherish my time at home even more! Enjoying the fun and laughter you have just being you with your family.

So even if you don't have to travel 9 hours to be with your family, make it a point this weekend to get together and do something fun before summer is just gone! That's what I am going to do!

Please pray with me we have a super safe, fun trip!

His greatest blessings to all! :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Fun ?

I am so thrilled to have had my teens return to me safely! They had a fabulous time! They worked really hard and made some great friendships with some new kids from church they didn't know very well! They really got to experience showing God's love through service which was very special for them both! Thank you all for praying with me for them!

This week we are gearing up for my younger daughters drama club performance of The 101 Dalmatians. She has had rehearsal every morning for six weeks getting ready for their performances. It is so fun to watch her sing and dance....she just has that drama thing down somehow!? I don't know where that gene comes from but I'm glad she has it! It is so cool how God gives us all different gifts and talents...I love watching my children use theirs!!!

My youngest son just finished his baseball season last Saturday. He loves baseball! I love watching him play in those ohhhhhh so hard to get white again baseball pants, with the cute striped socks, and the ball cap that make his ears stick straight out, he is the handsomest baseball dude ever!

I really like many sports but I have to say baseball isn't my favorite, so even though he always wants to be out in the yard with one of us practicing...I have to confess I am always saying how about shooting some baskets or throwing the football? He very readily agrees to both of those also! So maybe when he's older I will get to watch him play football and basketball too!

I love summer and all the fun that goes with it....Thank you Lord for such beautiful weather!! I hope you are all enjoying time with your families like we are enjoying ours!!

God Bless!